The fourth son was also born in Searsboro,
Iowa. Uncle Roy apparently came to Washington along with his mother, father,
and sisters. There is no record, or memories, that he stayed over in Montana
for any length of time, as did his four brothers. In Washington, he and his Dad
worked at building things, and Roy learned the carpenter trade. He
married Jennie Newell and they moved to Snohomish where they had a chicken
ranch for many years. Uncle Roy also worked as a carpenter in Snohomish and
Everett. (Aunt Jennie was the first to tell me that I had better grab Naomi for
a wife on one of our visits out to Snohomish from the University of
Washington.) They had one daughter, Lora. In their later years they moved back
to Sumas where Roy died April 9, 1956, and Jennie died August 26, 1968. They
are both buried in the Sumas cemetery.
For many years Uncle Roy and Aunt Jennie came to Montana in the summer time to visit my Dad and his family. Uncle Roy introduced the sport of modern horseshoe pitching (with shoes designed for pitching, not wearing) to his Montana relatives and it soon became our sport of choice. We kids always anticipated their visits greatly for there would be a couple of weeks of partial relief from the never-ending ranch work. For two weeks, or maybe a month, we enjoyed picnics, horseshoe pitching, and trips to various places like the Yellowstone Park. Best of all, Uncle Roy like to fish and would take me with him to places like Beaver Dam, South Meadow Creek Lake, and our favorite two mile stretch of North Meadow Creek. Once we even went to Hebgen Lake and rented a boat. A super experience for a ten year old boy.
My search for information about the life and possible descendants of Roy and Jennie's daughter, Lora, yielded the following information:
"Cousin Lora died of lung cancer in Killeen, Texas, where she lived with her third husband, Charles Russell. He retired from the U. S. Army there and that was their home for quite a few years. I don't remember what year he died but it was over ten years ago. They had no children, or I should say, she didn't. He may have had from a previous marriage." (Lois Bromley, May 19, 1996)
By R.R. Hughes - Feb 2006